Friday, December 30, 2011

Donkey High School chapter 05

Here it come, the Donkey High School chapter 05. Well, what you waiting for, download it while it still hot (lol)!

Chapter 05: Best Friends
(Hotfile | Mediafire | 4shared)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Caramel Theater chapter 03 & Donkey High School chapter 04

Well! Both of them done in the same time so I just share it together. Nothing I want to say. Just go on with downloading this you guy's. By the way Caramel Theater chapter 04 actually done too. But, I must wait for the PROOF READER of course.

"Caramel Theater: Chapter 03 - Enter Sunday Splits" (4shared Hotfile)
"Donkey High School: Chapter 04 - Cat's Fight" (Hotfile Mediafire 4shared)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Donkey High School chapter 03

Alright!! This is it the 3rd chapter. We just got a new staff 'sirSLR'. The current staff of this project now is me (Natsu), blackstar_radius and sirSLR. Another thing, next chapter I won't put any original version to the blog. For some reason, I don't want to put it in this blog.

Chapter 03: Unexpected Accident

Malay (Original): (Hotfile 4shared)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Donkey High School chapter 02

Well! Well! Well! This is it, the 2nd chapter for DHS. I just want to say thank to blackstar_radius for the translating and also oblivion_mist that help to proof read this DHS. I don't know who the h*ll is oblivion_mist. But, you could say he a volunteer or something like that. And also I put the original Malay version to some Malaysian reader. Also the image above is one of the humor in this comic. Thank for suporting us. ~ Natsu.

Chapter 02: Chair
English: (Hotfile 4shared Mediafire)
Malay (Original): (Hotfile 4shared)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Donkey High School ch. 01

Hot! Hot! Hot! The first chapter for "Donkey High School" is now available in English. Firstly, I wanna thank to our new translator and also typesetter 'blackstar_radius'. And also thank to me (Natsu), because of the Raw and clean. Get this "Donkey High School" now.

Chapter 01: First Day

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Caramel Theater Chapter 04 - Cleaned Raw

Akhirnya Caramel Theater ch. 04 siap dicleankan. Macam biasa, pembaca bahasa Melayu boleh download dan baca lebih awal. By the way, chapter 03 already translated. But, Its not Proof Readed yet. We waiting for our proof reader.

Cats & Tails

Malay (Original): (4shared | Hotfile)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Caramel Theater Chapter 03 (Cleaned Raw)

Check out this illustration for credits coloured by Natsu

Okay kepada pembaca komku yang berbahasa Melayu boleh-lah muat turun "Cleaned Raw" ni. Korang boleh baca dalam original bahasa Melayu. But, to English reader you must wait untill it translated. Hope you can wait!!

Chapter 03: Enter Sunday Splits

Malay (Original): (4shared | Hotfile)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Caramel Theater Chapter 02

Ta-da...This is the second chapter of Caramel Theater. I just wanna say that Caramel Theater will be stopped after this second chapter and we also stop the whole operation of Malay to English translation. Sorry for my bad english in the first chapter and this chapter may also have some bad english but it better-lah. Okay enjoy!

Edit: The Caramel Theater will be continue due to many request!

Download here
English: (4shared | Hotfile)
Malay (Original): (4shared | Hotfile)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Nurarihyon no Mago Chapter 00

Huh...Akhirnya siap juga menterjemah manga Nurarihyon no Mago ni dalam Bahasa Melayu. Okay kepada yang dah lama tertunggu-tunggu...Jeng Jeng Jeng, ini dia manga-nya. Korang boleh download sekarang, Cuma teken kat sini.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Caramel Theater Chapter 01

Caramel Theater
Chapter 01: Petit Bonnet Frenzy
Available for Download
[Click Here]

Friday, February 11, 2011

Projek Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan | Nurarihyon no Mago

"Tikus Scanlation" kini di dalam projek menterjemah manga "Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan" (Nurarihyon no Mago).
Tunggulah untuk update bagi manga ini pada masa akan datang.