Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Donkey High School chapter 02

Well! Well! Well! This is it, the 2nd chapter for DHS. I just want to say thank to blackstar_radius for the translating and also oblivion_mist that help to proof read this DHS. I don't know who the h*ll is oblivion_mist. But, you could say he a volunteer or something like that. And also I put the original Malay version to some Malaysian reader. Also the image above is one of the humor in this comic. Thank for suporting us. ~ Natsu.

Chapter 02: Chair
English: (Hotfile 4shared Mediafire)
Malay (Original): (Hotfile 4shared)


  1. hai, blog owner ^^

    donkey high school is malaysian's artwork aite? I'm a malaysian. mind if I ask you, why is this comic marked completed on ? I'm really looking forward to this ==" please drop by my blog and contact me back via chatbox. thank you ^^

    my blog,

  2. ive goes to your blog lol nice blog btw. im not the blog owner, just here to answer your question lol no need to worry, it is not completed yet. in 2day or so, there will be the next chp :)
